[ Dr Hendrik Segers has identified them as follows. Centre: two Seison species. Left bottom: a Colurella species. Left top: a Dicranophoridae, probably Encentrum. Right bottom: a Synchaeta species. Right centre: Brachionus species. Top: Testudinella…
Dr Segers identifies them as: (top right and lower left) two Macrochaetus collinsi, dorsal and lateral views; and three illustrations of Beauchampiella eudactylota; one dorsal, swimming; one lateral and one dorsal, contracted view.
Sepia toned photograph showing Uncle Viccy, Pat (inside car) and an unknown woman [possibly Arve], posed around a car. Annotated on reverse 'Phone 6/30'
Black and white photograph showing Briony Duncan, Virginia Maskell, and Rose Marie Duncan on Welcombe Beach with rocks and surfboards behind them. Labelled 'Virginia' on reverse