Framed colour plan of Exeter, drawn and engraved by John Rapkin. The plan is decorated with illustrations of the Guildhall, Exeter Cathedral, Northern Hay, the Post Office and St. Sidwells, drawn and engraved by Henry Winkles.
Framed plan of Exeter showing the existing boundaries (in green) and the proposed boundary changes (in yellow), produced by Lieutenant Robert Kearsley Dawson, Royal Engineers. This plan was the result of the Reform Bill of 1831 and the Boundaries Act…
Plan of Exeter, engraved by John Roper under the direction of J. Britton from a drawing by I. Hayman. This plan was removed from 'The British Atlas...' (1810) by G. Cole and J. Roper. It was originally engraved in 1805 and printed in 'The Beauties of…
This map of Exeter, based on John Hooker’s 1587 map, was published in the book ‘Libellus novus politicus emblematicus civitatum’ and is used to point out the dangers of excessive lust. The Latin and German texts describe how the female serpent bites…
Photograph of England international footballer, Evelyn Lintott, capped while studying teacher training at St. Luke's College, Exeter. He was killed on 1st July 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme