Black and white photograph showing Bunny with a Pekingese on her lap. An unknown woman can be partially seen learning in the doorway behind her with a cigarette.
Sepia toned photograph of a group of people on the beach. Includes Pat, Annaliese, Bunny, and Ronald Duncan. Some of the photograph's subjects are labelled on the reverse.
Sepia toned photograph of a group of people on the beach. Includes Bunny, Mole, Briony, Roger, and Ronald Duncan and Anneliese. Some of the photograph's subjects are labelled on the reverse.
Black and white photograph showing Briony Duncan on her confirmation day, surrounded by Meriol Trevor, Mole, and Rose Marie. outside convent school at St. Leonard's
Sepia toned photograph showing Ronald, Mole, Bunny, and Rose Marie Duncan sitting on Welcombe beach. Ronald is sitting slightly apart reading a newspaper, and mainly obscured by a rock. Labelled 'RD Mole Bunny RMD' on reverse
Sepia toned photograph showing, left to right, Ronald Duncan, Mole, Bunny, and Rose Marie sitting on Welcombe beach. Ronald Duncan is sitting slightly apart reading a newspaper.
Black and white photograph showing Rose Marie Duncan with Henry Williamson outside one of the Duncans' properties. Henry has one arm around Rose Marie's shoulders, and holds a pipe in his other hand.
Sepia toned photograph showing Roger as a young boy on a tricycle with a dog standing nearby. Annotated on the reverse in a childs hand 'To Bunny and Mole from Roger'.
Black and white photograph showing Kathleen Ferrier with Lucretia, one of the Duncan's Arab horses. Annotations on reverse, including 'Kathleen Ferrier with Lucretia 1940's'.