Items (596 total)

Sepia toned studio photograph showing Rose Marie Duncan, with Roger seated on her lap and Briony standing beside her.

Black and white photograph showing a group seated or reclining on the lawn of one of Ronald Duncan's properties.

Black and white photograph showing a group of people gathered on the lawn of one of Ronald Duncan's properties.

Black and white photograph showing Rose Marie and Ronald Duncan, and Virginia Maskell blowing up an airbed together on Welcombe Beach. Wrongly labelled 'BL-RD & Virginia Maskell'

Black and white photograph showing Briony Duncan, Virginia Maskell, and Rose Marie Duncan on Welcombe Beach with rocks and surfboards behind them. Labelled 'Virginia' on reverse

Black and white photograph showing Anna Proclemer with her luggage in the doorway of one of the Duncan's properties.

Sepia-toned photograph showing Anna Proclemer leaning out of one of the living room window of Mead Farm.

Black and white photograph showing Anna Proclemer mounted on one of the Duncan family's Arab horses.

Black and white photograph showing Briony Duncan on her confirmation day, surrounded by Meriol Trevor, Mole, and Rose Marie. outside convent school at St. Leonard's

Sepia toned portrait of Roger as a child.

Sepia toned portrait of Briony as a child.

Sepia toned photograph showing Bunny and Ronald Duncan collecting flowers. Inscribed on reverse, 'The flowers we picked for your letter'.

Sepia toned photograph showing Ronald Duncan with his sister Bunny in water as small children. Inscribed on reverse, 'Ronnie can't keep still'.

Sepia toned photograph showing Ronald Duncan as a young boy. Inscribed on reverse, 'Ronnie taken by Bunnie'.

Sepia toned photograph showing Bunny as a girl. Inscribed on reverse 'Bunny taken by Ronnie'.

Sepia toned photograph showing Ronald, Mole, Bunny, and Rose Marie Duncan sitting on Welcombe beach. Ronald is sitting slightly apart reading a newspaper, and mainly obscured by a rock. Labelled 'RD Mole Bunny RMD' on reverse

Sepia toned photograph showing, left to right, Ronald Duncan, Mole, Bunny, and Rose Marie sitting on Welcombe beach. Ronald Duncan is sitting slightly apart reading a newspaper.

Black and white photograph showing Geraldine Barrington on Welcombe Beach. Labelled 'Geraldine Barrington (a good friend) &?' on reverse

Black and white photograph showing Geraldine Barrington and Tony Butterfield on Welcombe Beach. Labelled in two hands 'Geraldine' '& Tony Butterfield her 1st husband'

Black and white photograph showing Mole, Bunny, and Geraldine Barrington picnicking on Welcombe beach. Labelled 'Bunny & Geraldine on Wel. Beach'
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