Items (596 total)

[Now Floscularia ringens (Linnaeus, 1758).]

[Hornwort is Ceratophyllum.]

[Now Proales werneckii (Ehrenberg, 1834).]

[Now Ptygura intermedius and P. longicornis (Davis, 1867).]

[Now Hexarthra mira (Hudson, 1871).]

[Pterodina valvata is now Testudinella patina (Hermann, 1783). T. olor is now Lacrymaria olor Müller, a ciliated protest. Pediastrum is a desmid.]

[Now Ascomorpha ecaudis Perty, 1850.]

[ Dr Hendrik Segers has identified them as follows. Centre: two Seison species. Left bottom: a Colurella species. Left top: a Dicranophoridae, probably Encentrum. Right bottom: a Synchaeta species. Right centre: Brachionus species. Top: Testudinella…

Dr Segers identifies them as: (top right and lower left) two Macrochaetus collinsi, dorsal and lateral views; and three illustrations of Beauchampiella eudactylota; one dorsal, swimming; one lateral and one dorsal, contracted view.

[Nais digitata is now Dero digitata Müller.]
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