Manuscript letter mentioning life in the army in Tunisia, the North African war, Tunis and ancient Carthage, Jerusalem, the film 'Desert Victory' by Boulting and the Bishop's Stortford's cinema, African birds.
Manuscript lettercard mentioning a battle and every day life in the desert including references to a jeep. Jarmain might be referring to the battle of the Mareth line or the attack at Wadi Akarit.
Manuscript letter including references to the publication of the poems and royalties. Envelope also including a newscutting, a Christmas card and a couple of letters to John, some poems by Sarah Stailey: 'The Return of Persephone', 'Beware!',…
Manuscript lettercard including the poems 'The Desert Army' and 'These Poems', probably written from the Mareth line and sent from Medenine in Tunisia.
Manuscript letter discussing about the poems 'Yone May', 'For Alemein [Alamein]', 'Orchids', 'Sand' and including references to Capetown, Tripoli and a scheme including Italian speaking interpreters, Churchill, jobs options after the end of the war,…
Manuscript lettercard including references to Monty or Bernard Montgomery and the new direct air service from Tripoli he asked Churchill for his soldiers, the Eighth Army, one of the most famous formations of the British Army during World War Two.…
Manuscript lettercard including references to Cairo and Tripoli and a second 'Alamein' poem on which Jarmain has started to work.
The battle of Medenine was on the 6th March
Manuscript letter from Tripoli mentioning the poem 'Soldier's Prayer', the difficulty to express in writing how it feels like being a soldier, their alienation and homesickness.